Friday, February 13, 2009

The Plan

Nope, no baby.

I've been reading up and apparently 50% of new babies are late. So whaddya know? I get to be one of the lucky ones :) I guess it's good in a way, makes us more and more excited.

So the plan I go to the hospital for stress tests and amniotic fluid tests. I think I get an ultrasound for this which is nice because I'd love to know how large this child is. My sisters have had REALLY big babies - yes, 9,10, and 11 pounders so...

All in all, besides intermittent but major grumpiness, I'm doing well. Having the baby today on Friday the 13th or tomorrow on Valentine's Day would be...interesting. I guess if today, we will name him Freddie. If tomorrow, we will name him Casanova.


diana said...

Hang in there! He can't stay in there forever!!!

I love that your widget says your baby is 5 days old. Sorry.

Marley was 20 days late so trust me, I can empathize.

Can't wait to see him.

stacey said...

Cath, I have to keep checking in on ya!! I'm sure the next time I come, he'll have already come!! You'll do great! Can't wait to see him :]

JenJ said...

Freddie or Cassanova???? HA!! :)

Andrea said...


Linz said...

OH! The waiting! Owen was five days late and 10 lbs 5 ounces....tell them that your fam has large babies and to do a sweep for crying out loud!! Best of luck! Can't wait to see his debut!