So many fun things today....
But my favorite part was riding our tandem beach cruiser bike to church because there was no parking anywhere in Huntington Beach and then being able to just SOAK IN what this day is all about, instead of getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the activities.
And to think, we were running so late this morning we almost didn't go. Doesn't it always seem like the days where it is the hardest to get out the door to church, end up being the most meaningful?
Hey do you live somewhat near to Disneyland? We are going on a family vacation in Escondido and don't want to have to drive back and forth twice to Disneyland. So we were wondering if we could come and visit you and also if you have some space that we could crash for a night. I don't know the size of your house or even if you will be in town, but we thought we would give it a try and see if it could work out. No pressure, seriously :)
YES! We do! About 45 minutes? That's a guess. OF COURSE you can stay with us! We would LOVE LOVE IT! We have a downstairs guest room with a full bathroom and shower so you'd have privacy (some measure, anyway). And then we have an empty room upstairs too. If Tofer sleeps with us we have two empty rooms so plenty of room! When are you coming into town? Do you know my email? I'll send you my phone number.
Oh I never saw this :) YAY!!!! Now the truth is you may not be home from your Alaska trip or just barely getting back when we would be coming. We will be in CA the 25th - 30th. Ideally we wanted to sleep over on Monday the 26th but I bet that is the same day you are coming home and that would be a big inconvenience. I don't want to make your life too crazy. I don't think I have your email address any more. Mine is jan279@gmail.com
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