Saturday, May 29, 2010


Getting $4,500 worth of camera equipment STOLEN right from under your nose while shooting a wedding tonight.

The end.


Emily said...

That is terrible, I'm so sorry.

Andrea said...

That makes me sick to my stomach for you guys.

Day Family Blog said...

That is disgusting, I am so sorry.

Ryan said...

So this may sound supper GAY, like Magnum P.I. gay, but when considering its $4500 and not $450 I suggest trying the following unless the gear is insured…… If this was at a reception or wedding party then generally everyone is taking photos, I would try requesting any photos that were taken by others at the wedding in hopes of some random photo taken at the right time capturing someone walking out or around with your equipment. You never know someone may have snapped a shot in the parking lot of a few friends when in the background you can see homeboy (or homegirl) with your goods. If this is a possibility have the Bride or Groom send out a mass email requesting those at the wedding to send any pictures they may have taken to you (asap) so that you can potentially “use” the photos for a “dvd” or “slide show” or something that people wouldn’t think twice about emailing the pictures to you. You could even go so far as saying its for a “contest” the photographer puts on.
Also if there are any buildings, businesses, parking garages, ATM machines etc. with surveillance cameras, even if its not the building where the goods were lifted, I would see if the business with the cameras would be willing to review their video to help you out. Contingent on the setting of where you were taking the photos the thief would more likely than not work in the area or be a friend or acquaintance of the wedding party?? If you could get a still shot of the goods along with the persons silhouette or face someone who was at the wedding may be able to identify the person if you have a photo. If this was no where near others from the wedding party or at a reception there of coarse will be no photographs from others and your left with the surveillance camera approach. Sorry the whole thing happened

JenJ said...

I am so sorry!

Kali said...

Oh. my. gosh!! I am sick. terribly sick. Just the other day I was being paranoid about my camera being stolen... thinking if it did my premature life as a photographer would be over since I would never be able to afford another camera in the near future. And what I use doesnt even compare to your loss...

haha just read ryan's comment. well there you have it. a vets take on what you should do. :) you should read my friends mardee and spencers blog about how she tracked down the lady that stole her credit card # and used it. It is awesome and might inspire you. seriously. I hate people that steal!

Cathy said...

Aaaaw, thanks guys. Yea, totally sucks. No insurance on it either. Oh well, lesson learned.

Ryan - you crack me up. Totally not gay, or even Magnum P.I. gay - hahaha. Maybe MacGyver... :)

LOVE your ideas. On it. Thanks so much.