Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ignorance is bliss

Yea so NEWS FLASH people. You cannot cure GAS in babies.

You can help...

Ok, let me rephrase. I meant, SOMETIMES you can help...

P.S. And without curing gas, there is also no cure for insanity caused by sleep deprivation.


em said...

I hope you've tried Mylicon...and the leg pump. My kiddos get super gassy and leg pumping seems to be the best "help" I can offer. Good luck, and just remember that eventually, you'll get some sleep again :) Hopefully before you get pregnant again :) HA!

JenJ said...

you don't need sleep!! :) Ha! Remember BYU??? EFY??? no one sleeps!! sleep is way overrated.....except make sure you do sleep whenever you can, any time of the day.

Andrea said...

Were you an efy counselor? Did we already talk about this...anyway. I was too. awesome.

Try warm compresses on his belly. Helps. for like 5 seconds. haha.

Just remember. It's a stage. You'll be on to the nxt issue before u know it! I just hope it's not the hospital. :)

Busy B Preschool said...

I am so tired too. I always wonder how many of us are up at 3 am feeding our babies. I can't wait until I get a full nights sleep again.

Established Feb 2, 2007 said...

You should try Gripe water, I don't like mylicon drops, they didn't work for either child, but Gripe water helps instantly (at least for Ms P) You can get it at Mothers Market. I like the Gentle Care brand, but I am sure any of them would help.